Adventures in the kitchen!
Of course all my pictures upload to the blog in reverse order, so here are some of the final product of my salsa canning. Kerry and I were at the grocery store and saw bags and bags of half price tomatoes, which I had to buy (which also caused her to run to the other side of the store due to embarrassment). Ian and I tag-teamed skinning them, which involves dumping the whole tomato in boiling water, picking it out of the boiling water and dropping it into an ice-bath, then peeling the skins off. Blech.

This is my new love of my life, the giant canning pot. I never mentioned that Ian received an I-Pod Touch with his new Mac, and that this I-Pod has truly replaced me in Ian's heart (I think it was Rachel who called the I-Phone the "new Mrs Synchyshyn"?) Well, this I-Pod is definitely the new Mrs McCann, and the closest thing I have to a hot new love is this pot.
This is my new love of my life, the giant canning pot. I never mentioned that Ian received an I-Pod Touch with his new Mac, and that this I-Pod has truly replaced me in Ian's heart (I think it was Rachel who called the I-Phone the "new Mrs Synchyshyn"?) Well, this I-Pod is definitely the new Mrs McCann, and the closest thing I have to a hot new love is this pot.
Here it is...Isn't she gorgeous? I bought it at the Goodwill for $9.00 only, and it came with a double-decker rack. Major bonus, b/c last year I did all my canning with rags and tea towels to prevent glass chipping. I can't stop talking about this pot. 
Busy kitchen. Here is our illegally imported Cuisinart Food Processor chopping up tomatoes. I used onions and peppers from our garden, as well as thyme and cilantro. If it wasn't raining I would have added a picture of how much the veggie garden has exploded.
Peppers and onions from the garden. Tomorrow I am planning to can some pickles, and I will definitely be trying the Persian Pickle recipe from my dearest friend in Vancouver. I have one other recipe that I will try, but mainly b/c it has a photo of an adorable Chinese 6 year old dressed in true 80s fashion eating the final product. Marketing doesn't work on me! Oh wait, that's the only reason I ended up with a Yaris without even test-driving it. Hmmm....
Busy kitchen. Here is our illegally imported Cuisinart Food Processor chopping up tomatoes. I used onions and peppers from our garden, as well as thyme and cilantro. If it wasn't raining I would have added a picture of how much the veggie garden has exploded.
Peppers and onions from the garden. Tomorrow I am planning to can some pickles, and I will definitely be trying the Persian Pickle recipe from my dearest friend in Vancouver. I have one other recipe that I will try, but mainly b/c it has a photo of an adorable Chinese 6 year old dressed in true 80s fashion eating the final product. Marketing doesn't work on me! Oh wait, that's the only reason I ended up with a Yaris without even test-driving it. Hmmm....