this old cat-house

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Adventures in the kitchen!

Of course all my pictures upload to the blog in reverse order, so here are some of the final product of my salsa canning. Kerry and I were at the grocery store and saw bags and bags of half price tomatoes, which I had to buy (which also caused her to run to the other side of the store due to embarrassment). Ian and I tag-teamed skinning them, which involves dumping the whole tomato in boiling water, picking it out of the boiling water and dropping it into an ice-bath, then peeling the skins off. Blech.

This is my new love of my life, the giant canning pot. I never mentioned that Ian received an I-Pod Touch with his new Mac, and that this I-Pod has truly replaced me in Ian's heart (I think it was Rachel who called the I-Phone the "new Mrs Synchyshyn"?) Well, this I-Pod is definitely the new Mrs McCann, and the closest thing I have to a hot new love is this pot.

Here it is...Isn't she gorgeous? I bought it at the Goodwill for $9.00 only, and it came with a double-decker rack. Major bonus, b/c last year I did all my canning with rags and tea towels to prevent glass chipping. I can't stop talking about this pot.
Busy kitchen. Here is our illegally imported Cuisinart Food Processor chopping up tomatoes. I used onions and peppers from our garden, as well as thyme and cilantro. If it wasn't raining I would have added a picture of how much the veggie garden has exploded.
Peppers and onions from the garden. Tomorrow I am planning to can some pickles, and I will definitely be trying the Persian Pickle recipe from my dearest friend in Vancouver. I have one other recipe that I will try, but mainly b/c it has a photo of an adorable Chinese 6 year old dressed in true 80s fashion eating the final product. Marketing doesn't work on me! Oh wait, that's the only reason I ended up with a Yaris without even test-driving it. Hmmm....


At 5:05 PM, Blogger Aunt Julie said...

Hi "Canner":

I recognize that cooling rack - didn't it come from secret santa last year at the family Christmas? We are sooooo impressed with your cooking abilities and I for one appreciate a good bargain and would not have been the least embrassed to be there when you purchased the 1/2 price tomatos! Shame on Kerry for not being a better shopper.

Thank goodness Ian took care of Kevin otherwise, you would have had to purchase the peppers and spices. I love pickles and hope that I might be someones secret santa pick this Christmas.

The pot is fab-u-lous and I would like to borrow it for the next 10 years. And such a bargain at $9.00!!!!!! I see you using the contraband Cuisinart - AUntie knows NOTHING about it mr tax revenue man.

Can't wait to see pictures of your new bedroom


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Alyssa said...

I approve of your new love:) You'll have to teach me how to can sometime.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger theRachel said...

Looks delicious! Why is your cuisinart illegally imported? Was it from a cross-border shopping expedition? I just "bought" myself a cuisinart using airmiles! Best 1900 airmiles ever spent!


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