This author humbly prints a RETRACTION regarding a post made in mid-July. When the author stated that Ian built the downstairs closet himself, she ummm LIED! The post should have read "Ian McCann (12-04-1983) and Kerry McCann (17-02-1986) built the downstairs closet..." etc etc.
I was not present when this closet was built, but I have been informed that Kerry and Ian were equal partners in this project. My humble apologies, and please Kerry do not be offended to the point where you do not help renovate anymore--> we need all the help we can get!
I represent Kerry McCann in her lawsuit against the old cat house for misrepresentation and deliberate slander wherein it was stated that the "closet" in fact was built by one Ian and that the "closet" was in fact cobuilt by my client and that her credit and reputation have been damaged whereby people think of her as not a "closet builder" when in fact she was present and contributed to the said "closet" construction and did in fact build it as well. My client feels "slighted" and "closet building inadequate" and has suffered permanent construction phobia and cannot sleep or eat or drink or pet her cat Finn.
Cease and desist with the references to the "closet" being built by Ian.
Thank you,
Solicitor Auntie for the hurt party Kerry Berry Bumblebee.
I shared Humble Apologies!!! What else does the Bumblebee want???
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