We spent Saturday cleaning up after our tenant moved out. It wasn't too bad, unless you are not used to hanging around with 24 year old men. Which I am not! It was totally gross, but as my mum pointed out, " he probably cleaned before he moved and thinks it's spic and span". Ewwwww. So now start the renos upstairs, just in time for the 32 degree days :) Here are a few before shots, particularly of the laminate (what is with people and Ikea laminate????) before I pulled it up, and the kitchen, before Ian single-handedly destroyed it.
(this will be our bedroom, it has a walk-in closet with a window, but was previously used as the cat's, ummm, powder room)
Laminate...grrrr. At least I have managed to give it away on Craigslist..
Kitchen. Yes it looks clean, but this was taken at 5pm, after 7 hours of cleaning!
As I mentioned---> no one cleans like my Mama! Happy Birthday Jodie (and Grandma Bea too...same day)
I think good cleaning runs in the family, because here is Auntie cleaning out our fridge. I think she billed us about 3 hours for this job...it was not the loveliest either. An addition to good cleaning, hot pink shirts seem to run in the family too. Look at the cute pink triplets!
And this pretty much sums up the whole day: Bring Your Own Haz Mat Suit, or at least a mask!
Auntie here!
Great pictures - and I am happy to hear the laminate is gone. Hope the appliances went to a good home. The best part of the day was the pizza with suicide sauce - who would have thought? Looking forward to seeing the "kitty powder room" full of shoes and hangers.
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