this old cat-house

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here are some random shots of around our house this afternoon. I have tried to write the description of the photo above the actual picture, but I never know what will happen once it's posted.

Our newest little garden patch.

Our Red Brick Road, patio stones stolen from Mash McCann's overgrown patio.

The bathtub that we found down the street and turned into a water garden.Kitty Kat Toshi on top of our mattress that we're temporarily storing in our living room until we move upstairs next week.Toshi-cat again.Baby tomatoes that we're growing in black pots on the driveway. They get moved by us a few times daily to get maximum sunshine. No fruits yet though.
Front garden, complete with giant rocks that Ian and his friends moved from someone else's yard. It's quite amazing how many people complement these rocks. Really.
Crazy Onions! These just showed up this spring. I am pretty sure they were from last year, and I missed pulling them when I pulled all the other fall veggies. Now we're just keeping them b/c they look so bizarre.
Coneflower about to bloom.Bathtub up closer. The canna is just a few days away from popping.
Beer Battered Tofu! The recipe is from Vegan Brunch and turned out to be amazing. Who says being Vegan has to be Healthy? These fatty fried "fishies" were served with home made Freedom Fries and Organic Beer.Purple Garden (taken back in AprilPurple Garden today. The only thing that has bloomed in purple so far are the chives. We've had yellow irises, a scarlet rose, and white Jacob's Ladder. I think we may need to rename this particular garden!
That's it for now. Stay tuned for major renos in July as we take over upstairs AND renovate the mainfloor bathroom.


At 6:22 PM, Blogger theRachel said...

I love the onions! Can't wait for the July renos!

At 5:47 AM, Blogger Aunt Julie said...

Wow - so much has happened since I went to Florida! I love the front without the enclosure - what were the previous owners thinking? It looks great and does not even need too much furniture. Good work Ian and Kerry (who knew Kerry could do demo/reno!!!!!)

Your garden is very interesting with so many different points of interest. I have reported you to the London police for the stone theft though. I still really like the bathtub idea. Be patient your tomatos will grow and if they don't, try hanging them - that seems to be the "new" thing.

The cute tenant is now gone - sad but happy that you will soon be uptstairs.

Love to all,


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