RED WALLS, RED WALLS! (Ok, I have obviously used the "Red Rum, Red Rum" joke before...but it was in a different house, different province, and a different tone of red, so I am recycling it for these pictures). Once Ian painted the kitchen in TEQUILA, we had to get right one re-painting the dining room. It was previously a mustard colour, like every other room in the house when we bought it. When I consulted with G%*g, our tenant, he explained that the previous owner was really into the Santa Fe style. (Does Santa Fe include chucking frying pans through windows? Ian thinks it does include this action, as long as the frying pans are made from cast iron). So here are some pictures of our newly painted room:

On an unrelated note: does anyone like the chair in this photo? I picked it out, and Ian doesn't like it. I think it's because this is
normally the type of furniture he picks out, and everyone tells him that his choices are ugly (ummm, the orange couch from Coquitlam?!!![If you have never heard of it, Coquitlam is a suburb in BC, where Ian grew up, and where ugly orange couches ABOUND]). So now he feels compelled to tell me that this type of furniture is ugly.

There is a sideline shot of our Christmas tree, which is prospering beautifully.

Ian actually took a picture!!! When I look back through the blog, it is always pictures of Ian working (b/c I have documented the work). But Hey! Here I am, contributing to the renos.

Apparently the photos uploaded in reverse order. This last one is a shot of the old mustard colour with the trim as the new colour.
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