While having some friends over for an evening of Mexican food, Margaritas and Board Games, I was looking at one of my most beautiful friends leaning against this ugly patch of drywall in our living room and decided it most urgently needed to be fixed. So on a rare occasion Ian photographed me working, so everyone can see that I do indeed participate. Ian is usually just working harder than me so doesn't have time to take pictures of our progress.
Anyway, here I am sanding away at the drywall patch in our dining room. It actually used to be a doorway into our dining room from the front door, but when we knocked out the living room wall, we no longer needed the door and patched it up. There it stayed for nearly a year. So here is the progress (and yes, every girl can pull off a dust mask if she only has the right sander to complement it):
Painting it after it has been sanded smooth...but not too smooth, b/c then it wouldn't match the crunchy, uneven, old drywall everywhere else!
Wonderful farm art to finish off the wall.
Last weekend Ian and I went hiking in Goderich, which of course was the most unfortunate site of a devastating tornado a few weeks ago. Here is a beautiful shot of the half way point of our hike, which brought us to a deserted beach. It so reminded me of Vancouver, until of course I tasted the water and remembered why I love Ontario so-huge bodies of water with NO SALT!
And of course a shot of the new star of our house-Mrs L. This is her on a play date with Kerry.
By the by, today I was gone for the entire day, leaving Mrs L with Ian. When I returned he told me that he lost the dog, went up and down the streets looking for her, then received a phone call that she was more than 8 blocks away from our home! One of those blocks included a 4 lane busy road! Clearly given her past behaviour I am not surprised. This is just a normal thing for that dog. Frankly, I was more surprised when I heard that Ian actually went to claim her. If you put yourself in the shoes of the man who doesn't want any pets, that would have been a really good opportunity for him to "selectively reduce" the number of inmates at the Princess Ave zoo. haha.
Firstly, had you consumed a few more margueritas, you would not have even noticed the unfinished wall which would have freed up the time you spent finishing the wall which you could have used for training the Devine Mrs L in the finer arts of staying home when you leave the house! Having said that, the wall does look great and I love the farm house touch. And, Mrs L does look great alongside the Precious One who also looks great so overall - everything is great!
Love you,
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