this old cat-house

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

gardening season has begun...and we are very far behind compared to last year!
i had about 20 bulbs of organic garlic to plant in the fall-didn't do it. when i took them out of the box they had all turned to dust...literally.
we also didn't plant any fall bulbs in 2010, so we cheated and bought some bulbs that have already bloomed. i guess it's not cheating really, since they just grow back stronger and fuller next year.
we've not had much sun, so nothing has exploded quite yet:
cute path built by ian:
me building planter boxes:
completed planter boxes with hot pink gerbs (hoping it's not too early for these chickies):
another shot of the planter boxes:
by the by, a neighbour yelled across the street that we should market these boxes and make a fortune. i am forced to wonder if we all have different definitions of what constitutes a fortune :)

A final note: I took these pics at 8pm on a cloudy day-come the sunny days I will post some that are not quite as dark. BUT I have had pressuring e-mails by 3 people asking why I have not updated the blog, so I did what I could with what I had!


At 6:28 AM, Blogger Aunt Julie said...

I am so happy to see some updates - I was having blog withdrawal!

Love the planters and yes, you could sell them and make a fortune. Pink Gerbs are adorable and will be quite lovely in full bloom. I like the little path to the front door, hoping someone does not get their little stiletto (sp) heel stuck after a good drink up. And, I don't think planting bulbs is cheating - why else would they make them if not for immediate planting?

Looking forward to getting there and seeing all the changes.

Love you


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