Just a few pics of the back shed. There was previously no frame to attach doors to the shed, so Ian built this frame (which again, I had no idea he knew how to do) and then we found these old wooden doors:Once we finish the outside of the shed this summer, I am planning to paint these a funky colour...maybe lime green or purple to match the patio set:
There they are attached to the shed, and the latch being attached:
This is one of our cherry trees. I took a picture b/c this is the first year it has flowered:
And a tree rescued from the garbage by our friendly scavenger friend. It had no soil around the roots, but here it is starting to show signs of green again.
More back yard pics to follow, as we are building a fence today if the rain holds off. HAhahah, if the rain holds off. Yeah right.
Is there anything Ian can't do?
I have the same little tree and I love it because it sways in the wind and reminds me on Jen-bo on the dance floor! Good thing you rescued it and have given it a nice new home.
Can't wait to hear the feedback from passersby on your street when they see your new multicoloured doors on the shed. You can sit on your porch and listen to the comments!
Hope you found some retro flowered vinyl seat cover material for those outdoor chairs - that way when your mom spills her wine, it won't wreck the new patio set.
That Ian is sooo talented...............
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