this old cat-house

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's that time of year again...crisp fall weather, short sunny days, the crest of the moon on the new fallen snow, an A-Hole in his bathrobe emptying his toilet into the storm sewer. No wait, that's the Griswald Family Christmas. This post is supposed to be about East-mas-oween-de Mayo.

Here I am peeling apples that were freshly picked on an autumn adventure. Hard to believe we are sitting outside on the last weekend in October!
At one point, everyone in the family was playing Angry Birds on a phone, laptop or I-Pod. Despite playing all afternoon, no one is any good at it at all:
Princess of Cinqo De Mayo, and all delicious Mexican food and drink:
After dinner the "grown-ups" opened their Adult Content Stockings, complete with anti-inflammatories, non-slip bathmats and all types of depends:
More angry birds, or Cranky Pigs as it came to be known:
A beautiful table setting:
Easter Princess Chocolates (Jasmine was missing-IAN!) for Unka Rod:
A Flaming Basket of Hot Sauces:
Kerry in her Halloween Costume:


At 7:41 AM, Blogger theRachel said...

You guys sure know how to party!

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Aunt Julie said...

Florida Auntie here: What a wonderful time of the year! Christmas does not have to be in December, it can be whenever and whereever the mood hits! I particularly enjoyed the Easter content with the egg hunt and oh wait..... there was no egg hunt cause somebody stole all the eggs beforehand. Just imagine the disappointment on the childrens faces when they came up empty handed - it was very sad. However, the evening was indeed saved by the present shuffle which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. So much so that in fact the Christmas beef was burned beyond recognition on the bar-b-q. Being such good sports, we enjoyed it and praised the Jodie for her culinary skills. Along with ham, turkey, 3 kinds of potatoes, and crescent rolls delightfully altered with cheese and hardly even burnt (disappointing to all) and a host of desserts, the festive meal was fab-u-less! I would be remiss if I did not mention the cinco de maya marqueritas and mexican snackies provided by the Princess Taryn - ole! Following the feast, the "children" provided great entertainment in the form of adult socks loaded up with old people stuff! The bumless and headless bunnies were big hits as were the information brochures on just about everything old from hair loss to bladder loss to memory loss. Thanks for all the research for our old age. Alas, with Christmas over all I can look forward to is spring. Bah humbug............Auntie

At 4:54 AM, Blogger this old cat-house said...

Aunt Julie-why don't you start your own blog. That sure was a loooong comment!


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