this old cat-house

Sunday, December 19, 2010

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

A few hand knit stockings hung over the heating register with care:
Last Saturday Ian and I went on a horse drawn Christmas ride around downtown London. Here are some shots of the lights and trees we saw on our way:

This is Tessa:

The wagon all lit up with lights:

That's all for now. Have a safe and peaceful holiday and as previously mentioned ( I mention it repeatedly so Ian does not forget!) bathroom renovations will soon commence, so stay tuned in the New Year. Merry Christmas from the McCanncats!

oh yeah. ps. a few people have requested I allow anonymous comments on this blog. I swear I would do that but I don't know how to change the setting. So, it may just be easier for y'all to sign up for a free account so you can leave comments whenever you want!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lovely festive Christmas bouquet from my Love:

Someone who has chosen to spend Christmas in a far-away land called 'Merica has asked for some pictures of our Christmas decorating. And since this person who has chosen to spend Christmas in a far-away land supplied so many of our beautiful decorations, I decided I would appease her. (xoxo)

My Auntie gave us so many lovely ornaments from her church Christmas bazaar, and of course (since she has wonderful taste) they all match our house perfectly. Here are some lime green, glittery snowflakes that I hung from all our curtain rods in the house. I wonder how these lime green flakes would look against my white curtains...the ones I was forced to take down to protect my sister's virtue from our neighbour, "Stare-y"(as if there was any real chance of that!)

More lime green. These are a bit harder to see. I plan to obtain a red feather boa to hang above this light so that the green curlies really POP out.
Kerry's centre-piece she made for one of our little dinner parties. These ornaments were made in Japan and all have beautiful drawings:
Our collection of Christmas cards:
A wide frame shot...Ian hund the card holder in a place I cannot reach:
Little feather boa tree and more lime green:
Willow tree people-I actually have my eye on the Willow Tree Nativity Scene, but not this year:

bad cat on the counter top-guess who this cat belongs to? Oh, well. Like we always said (say?) about my sister: "Maybe she'll be better when she's 25"

Ian's snow tunnel. Since he and Kerry built it there has been another SNOWMAGEDON (and snow day for me!) and it sort of collapsed:


Little tree with lots of presents already. In the background you can kind of see some of the hand-knit stockings we hang every year. Although we do not hang them over a fireplace yet...hopefully a fireplace on our main floor will come next year, along with a full-size tree!
Merry Christmas!
Stay tuned for the new year, when the McCanns rip apart our main floor bathroom, move the toilet, remove the shower and lay down bamboo flooring. Good times for all in 2011!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Okay, the snow can stop soon, but not before I have a second SNOW DAY off in a row! Yes! Here are some wintery shots of our house.

This first one is Ian and I playing in our snow drift, which was made only from shoveling, since the plow has not come to our area once during this entire snow-debacle. "Welcome to the hood".Good thing we had a BBQ on Saturday night! Now, what do we do with all the frozen veggie burgers that Jodie gave us?

I am starting to love looking at the different patterns the snow makes on rooftops. This one looks quite wave-like to me. I know, get a new hobby right? I have been advised that this hobby is better than my summer hobby of collecting rocks like a 7 year old boy. Hmmm...
We are running out of places to pile the snow! Here is Ian's ramp that he made so he can deposit the snow on the neighbours' porch. I mean, on our porch. Yes.

Tomorrow our meal plan included leeks from our own garden. See them way back there? They are tall, but totally buried now. Not too sure how tofu-leek flan is going to work out!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

it's amazing this house is still standing given all the walls we have knocked down in the last year. Here goes another one:

we finally have a living room! the paint colour is smoked oyster, and it is slightly more purple than these pictures show.

November was spent getting back to business with renovations, after an October of reno-vacation. Ian (with the help of Steve and Kerbear) has totally changed the front room in a few short weeks. Here are a few highlights:

old hardwood entry way floor
beautiful new slate tile:

when we lived on the main floor only this blue room was our bedroom. here is the beginning of ian and kerry making it a lovely old doorway between our living and dining rooms:

it gets a bit better,
beautiful! we still need to drywall over the little door beside the arch, but no more renos until christmas is over!