Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 05, 2010
Wow, I feel so 'celebrity' with people leaving comments and even asking for specific pictures. As requested, here are some pictures of the floor in the kitchen (which is now the same as the floors on the rest of the main floor except the bathroom) and the "LookOut" as I call it. It is actually a newly made hole in the wall between the kitchen and the dining room which will someday have a counter top and stools.
But first, here is the new sink and faucet up close. This is the only picture that Ian insisted be part of this post. He really really likes this new sink!

"I've got to admit it's getting better, a little better all the time (It can't get much worse!)"
I wish I had written that song, b/c it's honestly how it feels living in renos all the time. And speaking of my favourite topic, here are a few more pics:

(above) This is where the counter used to be, and the old tiles and the non-window
and this is what is now in it's place(above). new base cabinets, new countertop, fancy new sink, a real window, and subway tiles! I am so so SO excited about the subway tiles...nearly as excited as Ian is about the new sink with the built-in drain board.
this is another shot of the lintel, which will be covered up and have a light installed by Sunday. In previous pictures the wall with the fruity wallpaper was we have a big room.
more subway tiles!