A second cast iron bathtub is absolutely necessary isn't it? The first one we found had to be wheeled home on a scooter, but at least I secured a truck to bring this one from across town!
I think it will make a great addition to the upstairs bathroom! Yes, it's heavy, but that's why we have boyfriends named Ian!

Three cats. Enough Said?
To be fair, Tasha lived with me before Ian did.
The absolute devil dog. I bring this entire topic up b/c if you read the most recent post you will know that Layla ran away for a few hours on Sunday. Then on Monday at about 3:30 there was another disaster-
The entire event started with a LOUD CLUNK while were in bed. Ian actually woke up and said "did that sound like a door"? As usual, I was convinced there was a robber, so I said "Yes!" So downstairs brave Ian goes. Next thing I know he has turned the light on and is glaring at me in this calm but crazy way. He asked "do you smell anything?" and in fact I did smell some skunk. Well, turns out there was no robber, but Layla had plunged through one of the windows after a skunk!! Which of course resulted in a stinky spray. So here we find ourselves tubbing the dog at 3:40am on Monday night. (there is no picture-imagine I stopped helping and said "I just need to go grab the camera"...oh gosh)
And then there was the trip to IKEA with my friends. I think there should be a vote on this one, b/c in my mind this was a very sensible purchase. In November we plan to buy a sectional, coffee table and arm chair from IKEA, so it made sense to me to look in the "AS IF" section while I was there. I found this ottoman for $30!!!! marked down from about $90!!!!
Cheers all around!
Nope, I was immediately reminded by both Ian, and the actions that proved his point, that this uncovered ottoman is a perfect place for the cats to scratch their nails, and for Layla to ram her pointy Doberman nose into.
He was absolutely right.
But then there are moments like this where I can see that Ian is happy to have someone more rational to chill with and cuddle with:
And these moments, when I catch Ian trying to make everyone "just get along":
So maybe the name of the blog will not change. Maybe we will just keep on keepin' on!