here are a few pictures of my beautiful family in Vancouver: anisa, kerry, and my love ian.

ian and i flew there this time and instead of a 12 hour drive there it was a one hour plane ride, and instead of a towed tour through the rockies due to car problems we had only about 15 minutes of turbulance on the way back. am i convinced flying is the way to go? NOPE! i would drive again any day, but ian though alyssa and james would be a bit upset if our car broke down again and we missed their wedding. fair enough honey...we drove. but in car news, here is a great photo of rory (wonderful husband of my wonderful cousin leslIE) fixing our car after taking us out for breakfast and picking up the tab! and he just had those coveralls in his trunk all ready to save the day, what a guy!

one last picture i took specifically for my sister. when we drove back from vancouver last time ian and i were quoting from Lord of the Rings, as we often do, and while doing so we turn a corner and find we are entering...