red walls, red walls
although the painting has been done for about 6 weeks, i do not have a photo of the finished project. instead here is ian working on
what is probably about the 9th coat (it took so
ooo many!) but it looks great now, except for the huge hole in one of the walls that used to be a window but is now just pink insulation. although fluffy and easter-ly, it really clashes with my beautiful red walls.
ok, it is two months later and i have some new photos. i have realized something about my personal blogging style though...that is, i am uninterested in reading my friends' blogs but LOVE looking at their photos, which i believe means that i should try posting mainly photos and see if i then update more often. we'll see. anyway, here we go:
i guess most people know our big news now: WE GOT MARRIED! and now my dad will know too (just kidding. he was on shore about a week after the wedding so i got to tell him then. surprisingly he was the happiest of everyone?!?) so i will post a couple of pics from our scandalous elopment. in case you haven't heard it was at the Alberta Legislature skating rink, with two beautiful attendants (one who is my newly-found-long-lost-cousin LesliE, who is so great!) and the best wedding commissionaire you could ever find. ian looked beautiful according to my mum
( i said dashingly handsome of course) and i played the part of bridezilla i am looking annoyed and bitchy right now:
it was a fun day, and neither of us fell while skating, which always makes for a great afternoon. here is one last photo from that day before i move onto house stuff. i like this one b/c it has the gorgeous bouquet that lesliE surprised me with, as well as the pink and green mittens i made ian as a wedding present. ahhh, c'est amour (lesleY, did i get that french right?)