I can't believe I have not posted a picture of this tree yet! This was my prize for the first family "game" of Thank-mas-o-ween- de mayo...I won the scavenger hunt which consisted only of searching for a lost dog ball in the ravine. Apparently I am quite skilled at this game. Nevertheless I won this beautiful Christmas tree made out of a red cardinal bird, or perhaps it is a feather boa. I love it! Although upon presentation I did admittedly say, "oooh, I love it, but I would love it more if it was pink!". Ungrateful B. Red fits so much better in my house, and of course it is a more mature version of pink.
The walls came down...is that a Cutting Crew song? No era matches the 80s.
Another lintel. Just for fun, who of my dear friends and family think that this top piece of lumber (which is a 2inch by 12inch by 12foot piece of wood) could reasonably fit in a Yaris without cracking the windshield? For those of you who voted 'yes', I can categorically say you are 100% WRONG! $500 later (not including the cost of the project, just the cost of the windshield repair) we have an extended living room and hallway:
More shots of the wall coming down. It is a day later, but to be honest, I don't really know what progress was made. Maybe someone else can spot the differences? hee hee
Oh yeah! I have been saving up Airmiles for a few years to get a KitchenAid stand mixer, but suddenly when the windshield mysteriously cracked last week, Ian decided to buy me a stand mixer...not sure where that impulse came from, but here I am cuddling it:
More cuddling had to take place before I could actually mix anything in it.
Garage, today you see it...tomorrow you won't! Pictures to follow as this project progresses.
OMG that little red furry tree is adorable and looks even more adorable beside those 2 little green (neon) trees. Your ball hunting skills were awesome and you deserve that little tree plus, it cost less than the dog ball that you found! Auntie is so proud.
I love, love, love that wall down and it was worth every cent of that $500 in damages to get rid of it. Glad you were using your car instead of your moms. You are making such progress on that house of yours I don't know when you will find time to use that new mixer.
Can't wait to see the demo on the garage. Keep up the good work and next time, rent a van for the day it is cheaper than windshield repairs.
You can now use all of your hard-saved air miles to obtain a cuisinart! That's what I did with some of mine in the summer :)
Also, what's going on with the garage? Why are you taking it down?
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