ok, this actually happened in early december, but it was just so terrible that it took us a month to be able to write about it. the tale starts like this.
once upon a time, jenny was doing laundry for once, instead of ian, and she happened to notice that there was water on the basement floor.
i actually thought it looked soapy, so i assumed the washing machine was leaking (although upon reflection, one of the first things the house inspector told us to do was to fix the main water drain from the house. ha, shows what he knows...A LOT!) but it turns out as per my brackets that it was the main water drain pipe thing, which was probably built about 80 years before our 80 year old house was built. basically there is a pipe, then a box that is supposed to be leak-proof that turns into another pipe. the box thing started to leak b/c the gasket was cracked and old and basically non-existant. i feel like i have to ask, why wouldn't they just keep it as one consistent pipe going all the way down to the sewers? why mess with a connection b/w a pipe and a box and then with a box and a pipe? SO DUMB!

<----so, the box in question is that rusty brown thing with white squishy stuff coming out of it. that is silicone, of course, and this is how you apply it----->

(good thing i stole that fan from george when we moved from sherwood park...otherwise out home might be a houseboat now)
both very smart ideas, both failing only b/c no one could remember to not flush the toilet for one hour. in the end we got it fixed with an entirely different solution, which closely resembles the one continuous pipe that i think they should have used in the first place 100 years ago, but that is beside the point i guess.
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